Stories Stories from Hindu Religion

The Story of King Bharathari

King Bharathari was the ruler of Ujjain. He was the elder brother of Samrat Vikramaditya. Pingla was the favorite queen of Bharatahari. He was in deep love with her.

Once a poor Brahmin couple received the fruit of youth from a sage. They thought that as their King was a very good King they should give the fruit to him so that he could govern for a long time as a young man. They went to the palace and gifted the fruit of youth to the King.

King as we have said was in great love with his queen Pingala and therefore gave the fruit to her thinking that if she remained young for a long time he could enjoy life with her. Pingala was in love with the army chief and gifted the fruit to him. In turn, the army chief who was in love with a prostitute gave the fruit to her.

The prostitute thought that the King was more worthy of eating the fruit and therefore gave the fruit to King. King was surprised to see the fruit and found out the trail of how the fruit had traveled through different hands.

His love for Pingala disappeared and looking at the behavior of everyone he got disgusted with everything. He handed over the kingdom to his younger brother Vikramaditya and went to the forest to search for the only truth that is god.

This story teaches us that the world is unreal and unreliable. The only worthwhile object in life is to achieve our true self that is god.

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