
How Rishi Markandeya Saw Maya?

Rishi Markandeya was a great devotee of Lord Vishnu. Once he prayed to see his Maya. Lord agreed to his request to show him his Maya.

After some days it so happened that he was sitting in his hut and praying. Suddenly he saw that rain started falling. It was incessant and everything was getting flooded. There was water everywhere. The rivers and seas were rising and nothing could be seen except water everywhere.

Rishi Markandeya was afraid and went around to search for safety. He came near a banyan tree and saw that on a leaf a small child of great beauty was lying. The child was radiant and divine. He was sucking the toe of his foot. As Rishi Markandeya went near the child, he was sucked in the mouth of the child.

Inside he saw the whole world and was highly surprised. When he started going around he was thrown out of the mouth of the child. When he came out he saw that there was no water and no flood and he was sitting in his hut. He was amazed at what happened and then realised that it was Lord Vishnu’s Maya. Because of Maya we are not able to realise Brahman and are always entangled in the world which is not real.

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