Stories Stories from Hindu Religion

Story of Mahishasura Mardini

This is the story of Mahishasura Mardini

The story of Devi and how she killed Mahishasur and was called Mahishasur Mardini was written by Rishi Markandeya in Markandeya Puran. It is part of Devi Shaptshati, which is in the Markandeya Puran.

The story is like this.

Once upon a time, there was a demon called Mahishasur. He was very strong, and he was called Mahishasur because his upper body was that of a buffalo. He was very powerful, and he defeated all the gods in war. He and his army took over the heavens and drew away all the gods. The gods were left with nothing and had to roam around the earth like ordinary beings.

To get help, the Gods approached Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva and prayed to them. Hearing about Mahishasur, both Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva got very angry. They gave their energy to produce a Devi with great power. All the Gods also gave their powers to her. The Gods gave their weapons to the Goddess too. A lion was also given to the goddess to ride.

The Devi was looking resplendent, sitting on the lion, and with the power of Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva, and all other Gods, she was looking extraordinarily ferocious and beautiful.

The Devi called Mahishasur to fight with her. Their battle continued for many days, and in the end, Devi killed the whole army of Mahishasur and him.

This is why Devi is called Mahishasur Mardini.
Many Hindus read Devi Shaptshati in shardiya Navratri. Especially in Northeast India, Devi Pooja is very popular.

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