Stories from Hindu Religion

How Ganesh Ji Became Ekdanta?

This story is about how lord Ganesha lost one of his teeth and became ‘Ek Danta.’

As we all know, Rishi Parshurama killed all the Kshatriyas, or the warrior class from the earth 21 times, and after killing the Kshatriyas, he was called Parshurama by Lord Shiva.

Parshurama wanted to meet lord Shiva and mother Parvati after performing that feat. When he reached Kailash, he found lord Ganesha at the gate of Kailash. Lord Ganesha stopped Rishi Parshurama and told him that Rishi Parshurama could not meet Lord Shiva and Mata Parvati at that time because they were in their bedroom.

Rishi Parshurama told Ganesha he was a great devotee of Lord Shiva and could meet him anytime. But Lord Ganesha answered that it would be a great sin to meet anyone in his bedroom without taking his permission. At this, Parshurama started laughing, and he tried to force himself inside the gate.

Lord Ganpati got angry and he increased the length of his trunk and held Rishi Parshurama with his trunk. He started moving Rishi Parshurama all around the cosmos.

He showed the Vaikunth of Lord Vishnu and the Goloka of Lord Krishna to Parshurama. And then brought him back with a thud near the gate of Kailash. This made Parshurama angry, and he threw his Parshu at lord Ganesha. As the Parshu was given by Lord Shiva to Rishi Parshurama, Lord Ganesha wanted to respect it. Therefore he let his left tooth take the hit by Parshu. This broke his left tooth. A lot of blood oozed out. This way, lord Ganesha lost one of his teeth.

Listening to all this noise, Mother Parvati came out and saw Lord Ganesha and asked him what had happened. Lord Ganesha kept quiet, but when Parvati saw that Parshurama was holding his Parshu that was covered with blood and saw son Ganesha with blood flowing from his left tooth, which had been broken, then she got very angry with Parshurama. She wanted to punish Rishi Parshurama.

At that time, Lord Vaman came and explained everything to Parvati. He told her that as Ganpati was her son, Parshurama was also a great disciple of lord Shiva and so, equal to her son. Lord Vaman also said to her that the whole incident happened because of destiny and that she should forgive Rishi Parshurama and let peace prevail. So, mother Parvati became peaceful and let Rishi Parshurama go.

This story is about how lord Ganesha became ‘Ek Danta.’

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