Stories Stories from Hindu Religion

The Story Of King Ambarish and Rishi Durvasa

King Ambarish was a very devout king. He was the son of King Mandhata. King Ambarish was a great devotee of lord Vishnu. His story comes in Shreemad Bhagavad Puran.

It is said that once King Ambarish performed the ‘Dwadashi fast’ which required that the king must start the fast on Ekadashi and break the fast at the start of Dwadashi and also feed all the people. When the time of breaking the fast came near, Rishi Durvasa suddenly came to meet king Ambarish. King Ambarish asked rishi Durvasa to be his guest. Rishi Durvasa went to take a bath in the river Yamuna and it so happened that he did not return at the time of breaking the fast. The brahmins advised king Ambarish to break his fast in the absence of rishi Durvasa.

When rishi Durvasa returned and saw that king Ambarish had broken the fast, he became very angry. In his anger, he produced a ferocious demon to kill Ambarish. But as Ambarish was a great devotee of lord Vishnu, the Sudarshan chakra of Vishnu intervened and killed the demon. The chakra then started following Durvasa to kill him. In great fear, Durvasa went to Brahmaji and Lord Shiva to save him from sudarshan chakra. But they expressed their inability. Then Durvasa went to Lord Vishnu and asked him to stop his chakra. Lord Vishnu told Durvasa that the chakra could only be stopped by Ambarish and advised Durvasa to go to Ambarish and request him to stop the chakra.

Rishi Durvasa then approached king Ambarish and asked him for his forgiveness. King Ambarish requested the chakra to stop and not kill rishi Durvasa.

This story from Shreemad Bhagavad Puran teaches us that lord protects his devotee under any circumstances. If we keep our faith in God and if we are devoted to God, we will be protected at all times.

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Story of King Nahush

King Nahush was probably the only king who was made Indra for some time. The story of how Nahush was made Indra by the Gods is like this:

Once Indra had to kill Vritasur. The killing of Vritasur was a sin, so Indra gave up his throne and ran away from heaven. In the absence of the king, the Gods thought that Nahush was the best replacement. Nahush was the son of Aayu and belonged to the Lunar dynasty. His guru was sage Vashisht and he was a good ruler.

All the Gods went to meet Nahush after taking advice from their guru Brihaspati. Nahush agreed to become the king of Gods. At first, Nahush was a good ruler but later he slowly started becoming proud of his power.

Once Nahush saw the queen of Indra and he wanted to marry her. He proposed to Shachi who was the wife of Indra. This made the queen very angry. After talking to her guru Brihaspati she put a condition to Nahush. She told Nahush that she would marry him only when he would come and fetch her in a palanquin which should be lifted by all the great sages.
The palanquin was carried by great sages and one of them was Rishi Agastya who was short in height. Since Rishi Agastya was slow in walking, Nahush got very angry and kicked rishi Agastya to walk faster. He used the word ‘sarp’ which means to walk fast. But Rishi Agastya got very angry when Nahush kicked him with his feet so he cursed Nahush to become a serpent and to live on the earth. In this way, Nahush was removed from his throne and Indra was brought back.

This story is found in Mahabharat. This story teaches us that we should not become proud of our position and power and behave arrogantly with others. Nahush was the king of heaven but he became a serpent and fell down on earth because blinded by his arrogance he misbehaved with Rishi Agastya and paid a very heavy price for that.

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Ramayana Stories

The Story of King Trishanku

King Trishanku was born in ‘Sun Linage’. Lord Rama was also incarnated in the same lineage.

King Trishanku was in great love with his body and was obsessed about the thought that he would go to heaven in his own body only. He requested rishi Vashisht to send him to heaven in his own body but rishi Vashisht refused saying that nobody could go to heaven in the earthly body made of 5 elements. Trishanku then approached the sons of rishi Vashisht but they also refused. Then Trishanku got angry and started uttering disrespectful words. Hearing them the sons of rishi Vashisht got angry and they cursed Trishanku to appear like a beggar and emit an awful smell.

King Trishanku left his kingdom and started wandering around. One day he met rishi Vishwamitra who recognized him. When Vishwamitra asked about what happened, Trishanku told him the whole story. Rishi Vishwamitra promised Trishanku that he would send him to heaven in his own body itself. When Trishanku started reaching the heaven, lord Indra threw him down. Then a tussle started between rishi Vishwamitra and lord Indra. One wanted to send Trishanku to the heaven whereas other wanted to throw Trishanku back to the Earth. After sometime rishi Vishwamitra and lord Indra both decided to leave king Trishanku hanging in the space. This space is also called Trishanku’s heaven.

This story teaches us that we should not get obsessed with our body, and not try to go against laws of the nature. To know more about this story, please read Valmiki Ramayan.

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