Ramayana Stories

The Story of King Trishanku

King Trishanku was born in ‘Sun Linage’. Lord Rama was also incarnated in the same lineage.

King Trishanku was in great love with his body and was obsessed about the thought that he would go to heaven in his own body only. He requested rishi Vashisht to send him to heaven in his own body but rishi Vashisht refused saying that nobody could go to heaven in the earthly body made of 5 elements. Trishanku then approached the sons of rishi Vashisht but they also refused. Then Trishanku got angry and started uttering disrespectful words. Hearing them the sons of rishi Vashisht got angry and they cursed Trishanku to appear like a beggar and emit an awful smell.

King Trishanku left his kingdom and started wandering around. One day he met rishi Vishwamitra who recognized him. When Vishwamitra asked about what happened, Trishanku told him the whole story. Rishi Vishwamitra promised Trishanku that he would send him to heaven in his own body itself. When Trishanku started reaching the heaven, lord Indra threw him down. Then a tussle started between rishi Vishwamitra and lord Indra. One wanted to send Trishanku to the heaven whereas other wanted to throw Trishanku back to the Earth. After sometime rishi Vishwamitra and lord Indra both decided to leave king Trishanku hanging in the space. This space is also called Trishanku’s heaven.

This story teaches us that we should not get obsessed with our body, and not try to go against laws of the nature. To know more about this story, please read Valmiki Ramayan.

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