Stories Stories from Hindu Religion

The Sacrifice of Maharshi Dadhichi

Maharshi Dadhichi was one of the most important sages of India. He willingly gave up his body for the good of the world.

Once an Asura called Vritasur defeated all the gods and became the king of heaven. The gods could not defeat him with any weapon. Vritasur also took all the water on the earth and caused havoc.

Indra approached Lord Vishnu for his help in defeating Vritasur. Lord Vishnu told Indra that only a weapon made of bones of Maharshi Dadhichi could kill Vritasur.

Gods, therefore, went to request Dadhichi for his bones. Dadhichi told them that everyone dies one day so why not die for a good cause? He killed his body with yoga vidya and gods made a weapon called Vajra with the bones.
Indra challenged Vritasur for war and killed him with Vajra. The gods and people on earth were saved by this great sacrifice of Maharshi Dadhichi.

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