Stories Stories from Hindu Religion

The Birth of Lord Krishna

It is a story of the birth of Lord Krishna

When the earth was highly troubled by the demons, she became a cow and approached Brahma Ji, and both of them went to pray to Lord Vishnu. That time Lord Vishnu promised that he would incarnate and kill all the demons on the earth. 

True to his promise, he incarnated as the 8th child of Devaki and Vasudev.

As Kans had decided to kill all the children of Devaki, Lord Vishnu requested Vasudev to take him to Gokul at Nand Baba’s home. So Vasudev picked up the child Krishna and found that all the guards had gone to deep sleep and opened all the locks. 

He walked out of prison and walked through the Yamuna river to Gokul. It was raining, so Sheshnaag appeared and covered both Vasudev and Lord Krishna.

Vasudev Ji crossed the river and reached Gokul. Then, he went to Nand Baba’s place and replaced the newborn girl with Lord Krishna. 
He brought the newborn girl with him back to the prison. As soon as he walked into the prison, the prison got locked again, and the guards woke up. As the guards saw that Devaki had given birth to a girl child, they informed Kans about it. Kans was surprised to see a girl child, but he decided to kill her anyway. As soon as he smashed her on a rock, she went up in the sky and took the form of a Devi. She informed Kans that his killer was already born. 

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