Stories Stories from Hindu Religion

The Story of Queen Chudala

This story is from the scripture Yoga Vashishta. Queen Chudala was a realized being. She had attained liberalization and was always experiencing the bliss of Brahman. She was the wife of Rishidhwaj, the king of Malwa.

Once it so happened that the king also wanted to experience the nectar of Brahman. He did not know that Chudala had already achieved that state. Therefore he did not ask her for any guidance.

The king thought that by giving up the material things he would achieve the ultimate. He, therefore, stopped using all luxuries of the palace. But he did not achieve any bliss.

He, therefore, decided to go to the forest. In the forest, he used to live with minimum things but the bliss was away from him. He, therefore, decided that the only thing left for him to give up was his body. He, therefore, prepared to cremate himself. Chudala being a brahmagyani knew about what was happening. She appeared in front of the king as a sage and advised the king that by giving up his body he would not attain realization. 

The Brahmin told the King that his ego was the main hindrance. He had to leave the feelings of me and mine. He need not leave his material comfort to attain liberation. By removing all ego he would achieve Brahman. The king thus attained Brahman and went back to his queen and kingdom.

A shining example of such a person is King Janak who was called Videh, meaning one who had no ego of body and mind but was living in great luxury.

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