
Rishi Kashyap And Lord Parshurama

This story is about how Rishi Kashyapa saved the earth from the anger of Parshurama.

Once when Parshurama came to visit his parents, he saw that his father had been killed. He asked his mother about who had killed his father? His mother replied that king Kartaviryarjuna and his sons had killed his father because his father refused to give them the holy cow, Kamadhenu.

Hearing this, Parshurama was filled with rage. He thought the kings were getting greedy day by day, so he vowed to kill all the kings on the earth. First, he killed king Kartaviryarjuna and his sons and then went on to kill all the kings on the earth. He traveled the earth thrice and killed all the kings. But in his anger, he also killed the good kings

Rishi Kashyapa feared that the earth would not be at peace because Parshurama had killed 20 generations of kings. He decided to stop Parshurama at once, and so he asked Parshurama to perform Ashwamedha Yagya as he had sinned by killing and that Yagya would cleanse him. Though he agreed to perform the Yagya, Parshurama didn’t know what he would donate in the Yagya since he owned nothing. To this, Rishi Kashyapa replied that since he had killed all the kings on earth, he had conquered the whole earth and that he could donate the entire earth.

Thus Parshurama went ahead to perform the Yagya. When the time came to donate after completing the Yagya, Parshurama asked Rishi Kashyapa to whom he should make the donation? Rishi Kashyapa replied that he should donate all of the earth to Kashyapa himself as Rishi still feared that even after performing the Yagya, Parshurama would not stop the killings. Parshurama donated the earth to Rishi Kashyapa.

Now that the earth was his, Rishi Kashyapa told Parshurama that he could no longer stay on earth. Taken aback, Parshurama asked the reason. Rishi Kashyapa replied that he was a brahmin, and a brahmin was supposed to preach and pray and not kill anyone. Understanding the reason, Parshurama asked Rishi where he would go, as he was given the boon of immortality. To this, Rishi Kashyapa replied that he should go to Mount Mahendra. During the day, he could come to earth, but by night he should go back to the mountain.

Thus Rishi Kashyapa saved the earth from the anger of Parshurama. For more details on Lord Parashuram, please read Srimad Bhagavad Puran.

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